Tanguar Haor – a legendary wetland

IMG_0414There’s no business, like duck business

This spring I have been going places. First Bangladesh, and then Ukraine. Both trips connected by ducks, and the hopes of using telemetry to infer migratory connectivity of waterfowl populations and the transmission risk of avian influenza viruses.

Together with our colleagues at IUCN Bangladesh we spent some magnificent weeks in the wetlands of northeastern Bangladesh catching wintering ducks. I am writing up a longer piece of this trip for Birdlife Sweden’s magazine Vår fågelvärld which I hope to share with you in a couple of months. In the meantime, I’d like to refer you to an excellent article by Abida Rahman Chowdhury, a journalist from The Daily Star who visited us in the field in Tanguar Haor – the gem of wetlands in the north. Please read it on this link.